I photographed you love And I will save on the album All, all the photographs With thy real image. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. With much affection and nobility I'll record all moments I'll make a file inviolable Untransferable in my mind. En cada foto, será un flash Mis ojos, los ojos y los ojos Que se abren, abren y cierran, Como si fueran, fueran un flash. Con mucho cariño y la nobleza, Voy a registrar todos los momentos Voy a hacer un archivo inviolable Intransferible en mi mente. Neither hackers invades Neither virus threat And so little the spies They will know of my love for thee. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. I`m going to do a little corner For your real image So, I will think and feel And you... you will be inside of me. With thy photographic image I'm always scanning, There inside of my mind You'll forever stay. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. I will put me next to it Even if not thou mayest know I will make thy photo The best thinking. So come out to our history, Registered in these verses, The best moments, Will never be excesses. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. I will always meditate Adding yourself in several places, Only someone who loves you, Can you find and love. And I can see you anytime No need to open albums Much less turn on the computer Or even load on Pen Drive. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. Not even with a cd or mp3 I shall not need record Or perhaps to hear your voice Your symbol becomes photo "Still" Not spend nothing for see. Love! I will make an edition of art By adding in your image, Wings that can fly and navigate And thou shalt come to love me. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. I'll look at a landscape In thousandths of seconds By the time I want I lay your picture in a row And see you in various models. You know my love! Eternal love I have the best machine Can I decorate with a thousand ornaments Until with a crown of queen. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. Love, I have the best flash Photographing everything to infinity And indeed, I will be your scenario Where you dive and you navigates In the immensity of my undying love. Are you the exact reproduction of my dreams Practiced by my eyes Directed at the center of my body That far you sees and loves. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. I'm your biggest photographic book With your best pictures That spread to my pleasure Inside of my camera. It is the fastest and most sensitive in the world I do not need. Never reveal the film By the time you open the flash I'll soon te reviewing in series. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. Enjoying in my mind Between the two orbits glistening Love! Love! My great love I will be always your best this. Thou mayest be anywhere My eyes cross mountains Drill the abstract and to infinity Actually, I have the best machine. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. Thou art in me The faithful copy of your body So feel the beat in the photo That my mad is love. In each photo, will be a flash Of my eyes. eyes and eyes That open, that open and close As if they were a flash. Video ERASMO SHALLKYTTON
Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 30/12/2012
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