
I love you without counting the hours

The snow falls slowly, my love
I feel the cold in my body
My love! In all places, I want to be with you
We can count the stars in the sky
In each night with the moon shining.

Then wait a little
Let me take more photos their
That's it! Lie down in the snow
Pulls! You are fashion.
As you are so beautiful!
I want a photo in front of the Mercedes Benz
Oh my love! That I had it now, It´s very pretty
That its picture might grace this page!

My love!
Now, I feel the cold more strong
Let me warm up at this time
It´s everything I need.

Tell me where's my way?
Come on take me home
I'm just trying to say how much I do love you
The snow falls slowly, my love
Then wait a little.

I do not know anything in Sofia
I only have you in my life
In reality, you are my light
The only woman that knows me
And that makes me more passionate
It´s you, Sandra Rodriges
I love you and my love is forever.

I love you, Sandra!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I really want you for me
If you trust me and listen to me, please!

I don´t believe that I am in Bulgaria
I feel the same emotions with you
That's why I love you both
I know no more live without you by my side
Sandra! Choose where you want to live.

If you ask me, I can sit here
Even with cold, i'm not accustomed
You know that love is everything
Well, can you live in Brazil,
Know the National Park of the Sheets from Maranhão
Nowhere else in the world exists a place like more exclusive
Bathe in the Blue Lagoon and walk in the dunes.

Sandra! Look at me!
Receives this red rose
It´s their most beautiful flower of love
Proof more sweet of my feeling
I just want you with me
Nothing interests me without you
Because I love you very.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 16/01/2013
Alterado em 16/01/2013
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