
Your love is a great sea

Yesterday, in the morning, I looked at the dark sky
I saw a star glistening in my direction
She sang a beautiful song for me
So romantic and soft that made me dream
I don't believe that was you singing
But, when I looked again
I saw your fingers playing the acoustic guitar
It was the sweetest melody of love in her voice
There, at that time, I noticed her hair the color of sun
The sweet smile with majestic eyes
It's a brilliant seductive in love,
Soon, I thought:
She's a star that want to find your soul mate.
And life is worth so
The power of love makes us invent a real love
And the truth is that I miss you.

The pure love is like a flower
Its petals exude more fragrance
And always arrives at the improper time
Advances the sign without asking for license
Penetrating in our hearts
And makes great flood like a river on its banks.

On 14 August, I rented a catamaran
Traveling at a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour
However, my surprise was negative
I feel your perfume
And the taste of your skin in my heart
With the seagulls in the sky, dancing
My tears were taken by the wind
Becoming a great white cloud at sea
Whose cloud turned into various poetic balloons
With several colors for you see me
Upon arriving at the beach, I missed you
I returned to my Island of São Luis
I was not disappointed, not
If the hope is a path
I walked between the sky and the sea
At that great fast boat leaving a white road
So, is the love in a constant struggle to love
And I am not ashamed to write these verses
The greatest proof of affection I have for you
Are burning flames of my poor heart
That surpasses any dimension.

My love, today, I'm here on the Island of Sao Luis
That's right. I am not in Caxias
Of the Court, I make each piece of a stanza
The most beautiful place of the cultural world
Here's the Patrimony of the Humanity
From here I can see the palaces of La Ravardière,
The Palace of the Lions, and Episcopalian
At the end of this hearing
I'll walk to the end of Avenida Pedro II
And cross the Avenida Beira Mar
Because, I want to look at the sea with its waves white
It´s very good to feel his presence in the waves
A trip in the silence of the waves
Is the same as entering in your thoughts
Oh how it would be good if you were here!
Enjoying my natural beauties
Soon, I will get it on a Falcon HTV-2, with just 10 minutes
Truth. Is the fastest aircraft in the world
On this day, I'm going to scratch the sky
And show you my heart in the blue space

It's wonderful at this time
We were both connected, virtual messages
I was also thinking of you
yes, Just when I wrote these verses
With the Forum full of people in the Palace of Justice
Love! My Tablet has its beautiful photo
And I am listening the way you sing to me
With its delicious voice
My sweet love! Sweet love!
Now comes another message your
I thank every letter and every emotion
Invisible space for traveling of this love
Please listen to this song. Is a flash back
I'm listening now and composing this poem
Know that here is the Capital of Reggae
And this song of “Bernie Lyon”, is beautiful
Is all I can give you
My most beautiful girl!
My girl of golden dreams
I am your eternal poet.

Background music on the site
Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 15/08/2013
Alterado em 15/08/2013
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Site do Escritor criado por Recanto das Letras