![]() You do not talk to me
Hey Girl! Look at me and see your gift It's all I can give In addition to kisses and hugs.
Don't be scared of me I just want to give you My love in roses Sky blue roses.
Hey girl Look at me a little Tell me anything If I'm good or ugly.
I don't know why you are like this Tell me something good Make me smile now I hope so.
It looks like you abused me Don't look at me anymore Forgetting our moments That were left behind.
There's no reason for all this Tell me one word If you love me, come to me If you want me, I'm here.
Hey Girl! Tell me you like me? Talk with me please! Tell me what did I do wrong?
I see you don't like me anymore No answer, I'm gone far away After a new love in my life A love that loves me and wants me well.
Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 05/08/2022
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